Susanne bedroom posing 2


Susanne bedroom posing 2


This set is the enhanced version to 'posing 1' and substituted the lame version in her picture book.

Sex sells and so the first lame set was something for Vogue or another paper but was not catching the interest of potential customers.

Susanne is as sexy as ever but shows some more of that area that sets average customers on fire.

As I think, her face has lost a bit of that naive girlish look. Her mouth is smiling but her eyes are dull. Can't decide if thats positive or negative. As I remember this set has been taken when she was on duty at that escort service since about 5 months.

Calculating results in 5 months x 24 days x 12 horny customers which leads to about 1400 paid fucks. To be added those for free for her pimp and his friends.

Su looks slightly rundown as I think. Several scratchmarks and pimples on her skin.

Okay, a hard working escort doesn't spend her days in the beauty saloon.

Nevertheless this set is worth looking at as I think.

Enjoy but don't spoil the fun.

This album will stay here but of course HIDDEN (SKRYTE)



  • 15 fotek
  • 19 se líbí


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Obsah 18+

Toto album může mít nevhodný obsah pro mladistvé.
Vstup do alba je povolen jen osobám, kterým je minimálně 18 let.

Je mi alespoň 18 let
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TIP Chcete-li pohodlně zobrazovat alba s citlivým obsahem bez nutnosti potvrzení,
povolte si tuto funkci v nastavení. Zjistěte více o obsahu pro dospělé.
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TIPZměny uložíte také pokračováním na další fotku či video a zrušíte je klávesou ESC.
Přidejte do popisu štítky (např. #svatba #cestování) a fotku či video tak objeví více lidí.
Susanne bedroom posing 2
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